Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD), also known as Directional Boring, is often used during the installation of an underground pipe. This form of drilling is often used in situations, where trenching is not an option. Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) and drilling with a Tunnel Boring Machines (TBM) typically generate a lot of mud and sludge. This waste is often contaminated with other chemicals such as fluid loss inhibitors, lubricants, and other drilling aids. The mud has to be solidified and sent to a landfill for disposal. If the contamination is not properly disposed of, the waste will leak out into the environment. Find out how our superabsorbent sludge solidifiers can help!
Horizontal Directional Drilling Sludge Solutions
Our WASTE LOCK® superabsorbent sludge solidifiers are ideally suited to work with wet soil, wastewater and sludge to pass the EPA 9095 (commonly called the “Paint Filter Test”). This solid, granular material can absorb 120 times its weight or more in-ground/tap water yet expands the volume of waste by less than 1%!
Compared to other absorbents, our tunneling & horizontal directional drilling (HDD) sludge solidifiers have high retention and quick liquid absorbent capabilities. Polycarboxylate polymer will not release trapped ionic contaminants if solute evaporation occurs.
Fewer yards of waste + fewer loads shipped = Lower Disposal Costs!
Call (847-836-1393) or contact us online for samples or additional technical details for our horizontal directional drilling mud polymers.