Environmental remediation refers to practices to reduce or remove pollution and various types of contaminants from soil, groundwater, lake/river sediment or surface water. These contaminants are often made mobile in the environment by water in which they are soluble or are dispersed.
Usually for the remediation of waste streams with hazardous constituents such as metals or radiation, and absorbent is added to waste into to bind the water fraction in order to stop further migration into the environment. The choice of absorbent (i.e. sorbent) is often dictated by federal and local environmental remediation regulations as well as economic considerations.
Waste Lock® Economical Advantages
The use of super absorbent polymer (SAP) materials like the Waste Lock® products for environmental remediation offer both technical and economic advantages for more High-Cost Waste Streams (HCWS) over more simple adsorbents such as clays, sawdust, corn cob, etc… that increase waste volume by 50% or more! A High-Cost Waste Stream (HCWS) is a material whereby significantly expanding the volume off waste adds significant cost to the overall disposal program.
Waste Lock® Environmental advantages include:
- Low waste volume expansion. (Typically < 1%.)
- Fewer yards = Lower Trucking Costs
- Fewer yards = Lower Landfill Fees
- FAST ACTING! Free liquids are absorbed rapidly, and solidification occurs in under 5 minutes! Pass Paint Filter Test (EPA 9095)
- FAST Speed means fewer batches processed and LOWER LABOR COSTS.
- Waste Lock® products are non-biodegradable sorbents and listed as such under 40 CFR 264.314 (e)(ii)). They will not break down and release toxins.
- The polymers are safe for incineration.
- These polycarboxylate polymer binds soluble Heavy Metals such as Lead, Cesium, Hexavalent Chromium, Mercury, and others. Many wastes, when solidified with Waste Lock® polymer, will pass TCLP.
The Waste Lock® products are ideally suited for waste streams such as:
- Contaminated Sediments
- Soil Stabilization
- Mine Tailings
- Coal Ash Pond Waste (Coal Combustion Products)
- Drilling Mud
- Tunneling & HDD Waste
- Waste Water Treatment Sludge
- Unused Latex Paint
- Low-Level Radioactive Waste (LLRW)
We Offer Multiple Grades & Price Points. For more information, contact us today.
