Absorbent Properties
Technical Data Sheets
Waste Lock® 770 is a solid, granular Superabsorbent Polymer (SAP). This cross-linked polyacrylate material swells and absorbs many times its weight in aqueous solutions. Waste Lock® 770 polymers have been engineered to absorb under pressure and have properties that make it ideally suited for the absorption and solidification of low level radioactive waste (LLRW) and other types of industrial waste solidification & stabilization applications.
Absorbent Properties
- Free Swell in DI Water: 400 – 500 X
- Free Swell in 1 % NaCl: 45 – 55 X
- Free Swell in 2 % NaCl: 35 – 40 X
- Free Swell in 10 % NaCl: 19 – 25 X
- Free Swell in 1 % CaCl2: 20 – 25 X
- Free Swell in 8N NaOH: 24 – 30 X
Technical Data Sheets
Super Absorbent Product Attributes:
- Reduces Industrial Waste Disposal Costs – Expands in Volume by Less Than 1%.
- Non-Biodegradable Polymer (40 CFR 264.314 (e)(ii))
- Polycarboxylate Polymer Will Not Release Trapped Ionic Contaminants If Solute Evaporation Occurs.
- Strong Ion Exchange Capability Allows For Heavy Metal Binding And For Many Solidified Wastes To Pass TCLP.
- When Used Properly, Waste Sludges Will Pass Paint Filter Test (EPA 9095).
- This Cross Linked Polymer is Duratek Approved for Incineration.
- Freeze-Thaw Tested. The Polymer Will Not Release Free Liquids.
- Polymer Will Excellently Absorb Aqueous Wastes of pH > 4. For Highly Acidic Wastes, Neutralization (pH Adjustment) Is Recommended.
- Approved Sorbent at Hanford (WA) & WIPP (TRUCON Codes)
Waste Lock® Applications:
- Mining applications
- Oil/Gas drilling
- Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) & Tunneling
- Vac Truck Waste Solidification
- Biosolids
- Dredging of River, Lake, and Lagoon Sediment
- Unused latex paint
- Industrial waste solidification
- Sludge solidification
- Low level radioactive waste (LLRW)
Liquid Release Test (EPA 9096):
Waste Lock® 770 has the ability to both absorb under pressure and to retain absorbed liquids at high pressures:- At 25X Hydration, PASSES at 50 psi
- At 10X Hydration, PASSES at 75 psi
- Bulk Density = 5.4 to 6.0 lbs/gallon
Revolutionizing River Dredging with WASTE LOCK® Super Absorbent Polymer
Revolutionizing River Dredging with WASTE LOCK® Super Absorbent Polymer
For additional information call us at 847-836-1393.